Friday, December 28, 2007
happy new year ...see you after a year
well this was it, we did what we planned we did what we could and yes this year is just over.
happy new year to everyone and wish you a succes and hope that your dreames came and will become true on 2008.
all the best.....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ntelecom announces NTEL

Monday, December 10, 2007
it tooked me about 15 minutes to open the box, insert sim check the box, activate phone and then unlock using anysim,
generaly it looks good, its more an entertainment tool then a phone not a lot of phone features have been implemented but its ok, ipod feature works good,
camera is just to say it has a camera...i dont understand it really why there are no additional features for it like zoom, video recording, fast track and something like a flash-light would be more than helpful.
i have connected the phone using dock and one-two cable with my surround system it works just great,
my multiple email accounts using imap and pop3 are working great,
i have struggled to import contacts from my old phone but thanks to SIMPORT (google: simport) it helped me not to waste a lot of time bcs i didnt want to combine and mix my phone contacts with outlook contacts....and everything went ok but this is something Apple should think about.
bluetooth - i dont know maybe i didnt manage to start it but it doesnt work with me i can not see other bluetooth devices, the others see me but can not connect still to check about.
i spent over 1hour googling for a sip soft phone that can work with iphone but nething yet on the webs few companies saying they did their first calls (trufone and jajah) but i dont have a sip client installed yet, waiting checking looking
battery i dont know yet the problem is that when im not working on my cpu or im playing around with it, but it seems that the battery is not lasting a lot, 1day max i think, of course wifi always on, and not planning to turn it off neither for a test,
wifi works great at the places i have during this 3 days i have been connected immidiately and works just fine no issues untill now......
one thing i dont understand why it happenes is the "rebooting" i start an application it starts then freeze and sends me to initial screen....i think this is happening to everyone...but still no idea why is so.
conclussion a good gadget everyone must have but i think im going to order itouch for emails and music and get another phone most probably something like dual sim checking some chinese products....and maybe testing them soon.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Napair developed a website for Arberia Com
Napair Networks has succesfully developed and lounched a website for Arberia Com
Monday, December 03, 2007
protonium hosting

as for the ones that are familiar it tells everythign for the ones that are nto familiar with this segment of it,
Protonium will be a company providing website hosting enabling you to have a website in internet a , with the staff that do have over 7 years of experience in the field of Hosting Protonium's goal is to provide
- reliable web hosting
- value for money
- we will have only 3 packages for hosting (basic, advanced, super advanced)
- as always provide 99.9% of uptime,
- real people costumer care,
- real office people where you can meet this people and discuss your needs
and for the end i left
we do not intend to be the cheapest but not exptreme expensive as well we will be on the margins that everyone can afford to pay,
why i lef this for the end is because i wanted to elaborate this, in our market where we operate you can find i think over 100 domain registrars and web hosters how many of them are reliable 2-maybe 5 maybe 10 and 10 is to much i think, what i mean is that 90 other company wanna bies do not have a server neither a knowledge of what this is but somehow they get some fraud credit cards and make the payments for your domain with this cards and hosting as well and everything functions well for a few days/months and then it stops end you are done.
second option is that they find 2 clients get 50euro and pay for 1st month of the server, fair enaugh untill now, then they think they can get 20 clients a month x 12euro = 240 euro some good money for home business and they start to sell it at this rates and what happened by the end of 3 months is they have 10 clients amount paid is 120euro the server cost is 150eu for 3 months and they have spend all the money and of course cancel the contract for server , do not answer your phone or email and you are done again.
so by 1st of january 2008, protonium goes live and you will see the suprize.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
ntelecom's growth
we hope to keep this trend in the next year as well,
Ntelecom is your next telecom.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Napair developed a website for LDS
Ntelecom - new rates for December
more info can be found at but here are some of the rates
Country Fix Mob
Germany 0.012 € 0.113 €
USA 0.013 € 0.013 €
UK 0.012 € 0.103 €
Canada 0.010 € 0.010 €
Albania 0.040 € 0.169 €
Macedonia 0.054 € 0.190 €
Kosova 0.054 € 0.210 €
Serbia 0.054 € 0.130 €
Italy 0.013 € 0.124 €
Kenya 0.068 € 0.196 €
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Napair and EAR
development, maintenace and management of IT Department.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
VoipBuster and the companies of Betamax
looks like the free calls company is coping Skype or maybe this is their only way of surviving the market.
* A connection fee of 3.9 euro cents applies to all VoipBusterPro phone calls.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
New Offices
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Don't buy Vista for the security
Don't buy Vista for the security
New Microsoft operating system is a leap forward in security, but few people familiar with it say the advances justify an upgrade.
Digg this Windows Vista is a leap forward in terms of security, but few people who know the operating system say the advances are enough to justify an upgrade.
Microsoft officially launched Vista for consumers Tuesday. The software giant promotes the new operating system as the most secure version of Windows yet. It's a drum Microsoft has been beating for some time.
"Safety and security is the overriding feature that most people will want to have Windows Vista for," Jim Allchin, Microsoft's outgoing Windows chief, told CNET a year ago. "Even if they are not into home entertainment or in any of the specialty areas, they are just going to feel safer and more secure by using it."
Now that Vista is finally here, pundits praise the security work Microsoft has done. However, most say that is no reason to dump a functioning PC running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and shell out $200 to upgrade to Vista.
"As long as XP users keep their updates current, there's generally no compelling reason to buy into the hype and purchase Vista right away," said David Milman, chief executive of Rescuecom, a computer repair and support company. "We suggest people wait until buying a new machine to get Vista, for economic and practical reasons."
As in the past, Microsoft faces itself as its toughest competitor. SP2 for Windows XP, which was released in August 2004, marked a significant and much-needed boost in PC security. Since then, Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 7 and the Windows Defender antispyware tool for XP. As a result, the older Windows version is simply good enough for many users.
"Upgrading to Vista is pretty expensive, not only the new software but often new hardware as well," said Gartner Analyst John Pescatore. "If you put IE 7 on a Windows XP SP2 PC, along with the usual third-party firewall, antiviral and antispyware tools, you can have a perfectly secure PC if you keep up with the patches."
Vista is the first client version of Windows built with security in mind, according to Microsoft. That means it should have fewer coding errors that might be exploited in attacks. Vista also includes several techniques and features designed to make it harder to attack computers running Vista and to thwart attacks if they do happen.
"Vista is light-years ahead of XP from a built-in security perspective," said Pete Lindstrom, a Burton Group analyst. "But the market will decide whether it is important. Note that there haven't really been significant problems with the operating system lately, and our memories are short."
If most consumers think like Brian Lambert, a student at Southern Illinois University, it doesn't bode well for Microsoft. "The added security alone is not worth the money when comparing Vista with Windows XP SP2," said Lambert, a member of CNET's Vista Views panel.
Yet, if you are in the market for a new PC because your old computer is outdated or otherwise failing on you, Vista is your best bet, experts say. Even if you're considering buying a Mac, said David Litchfield, a noted security bug hunter.
"If you're looking to buy a new computer, the security features built into Vista tip the balance in its favor over other options such as Mac OS X," Litchfield said. "We've moved beyond the days of lots of bugs and worms. Recent history shows that Microsoft can get it right, as they did with XP SP2. With Vista, they will again demonstrate that."
Hacking VistaLitchfield and other security researchers are impressed with the work Microsoft has done on Vista, in particular because the operating system has gone through the company's Security Development Lifecycle, a process designed to prevent flaws and vet code before it ships. Also, Microsoft challenged hackers to break Vista before its release.
"To be clear, XP SP2 was a massive leap for Windows security. But XP SP2 was not the systemic, top-to-bottom, scrub-everything experience that Vista is," said Dan Kaminsky, an independent security researcher. "XP SP2 secured the surface. Vista security goes much deeper. It's a far bigger leap."
Kaminsky was among about two dozen hackers asked by Microsoft to try to hack Vista. The exercise took about eight months, and Microsoft paid attention to the feedback, he said. "They did what we asked," Kaminsky said. "The security community spent years bashing Microsoft, and (Microsoft) deserved to get bashed. But they listened."
All the praise aside, Vista isn't flawless. In fact, Microsoft has issued security patches for the operating system even before its final release.
"To think there won't be vulnerabilities and there won't be exploits is inappropriate," said Michael Cherry, an analyst with Directions on Microsoft. "At best, we should see the number of them decline and the time in between them increase."
No software is without flaws, and Microsoft will be the last to deny that.
"While we greatly improved the security of Windows Vista and we believe it is the best system available, I have always been clear that the system is neither fool-proof nor unbreakable; no software I have seen from anyone is," Allchin wrote on a Microsoft corporate blog last week.
Robert McLaws, a blogger who writes about Microsoft, is gung ho about Vista. He recommends that everyone buy a copy as soon as possible. "Security is the No. 1 feature in Vista, and everyone with a computer in the house should go out and buy it," he said.
Some critics, however, say Microsoft has reserved too many of the security features for the high-end editions of Vista. The operating system comes in five different flavors (with a sixth, "Starter" edition designed for developing markets), but only Windows Vista Ultimate--the most expensive one--includes the maximum level of protection.
Even more, Vista comes to market in an era where criminals are taking to the Net and looking for profits by breaking into the PCs of unsuspecting Web surfers. Vista is their next target.
"I don't want people to expect that their computer is never going to be compromised because of Vista; that's simply not the case," McLaws said. "The nature of maliciousness on the Internet is changing rapidly," he said. "It used to be that nerdy kids were trying to outdo other nerdy kids. Now it is criminals."